  • 东莞转移印花设备zs-6001700服装热转印机成衣数码转印机
    当前价格 46179 元/台
    起 订 量 6987
    有效期 永久
    更新时间 2019-03-26 17:14:22
    联系电话 15899934838 [拨打]
    手  机 15899934838 [拨打]
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  • 产品说明:


    适应范围广     及适应热转印工艺,又适应全棉冷转印工艺。

    转印效果佳     转印效果达到平面烫印机转印效果。

    硬件配置高     主墙板和所有轴辊全部加固且专业精工制作。

    气动加压       气动加压,压力大小可灵活控制。

    结构合理       收放和主机整体制作,走纸,走布平行准确不偏移,占地面积小,节约人工,整体效益高。

    Transfer Printing is a new technology developed during recent years. Firstly, print kinds of pattern on the transfer printing paper through special printing technology (by water-based or solvent-based dye). Secondly, under the action of heat and pressure of heat transferring machine, the sublimated dye will be transferred to the textile which just being printed. By the two steps above, the required patterns are fastened on the textile.

    This machine has self-contained automatic selvage-control entrance keeper and automatic inspecting and rolling machine, which make the whole printing process more convenient.

